


The Challenge.

A successful online seller of cables, CableCreation represented the best of the best when it came to high quality, durable and fit for purpose cables with their product inventory spanning several industries. With the heat of the industry growing due to strong brand and marketing by large online sellers of cables and mobile accessories, this brand needed a revamp to remain ahead of the game and stay on top. A visual rebrand was not enough however, competing on the same front as our competitors would require extremely large marketing budgets just to get noticed. We needed to approach the market with a new perspective and create our own positioning to not only make this brand shine, but provide the most value to the users. We needed a solution on both strategy and execution.

What we did.

  • Market and Audience Research
  • Brand Strategy and Positioning
  • Visual Identity Rebrand and Guidelines

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The Results.

With extensive market research and careful audience insights, we managed to reposition CableCreation away from mainstream competitors were the market was already dominated by either brand loyalists or reliably cheap alternatives. We also realized that the larger market of everyday users was shrinking, moving away from cables and adopting wireless technology with every generation. Rather than try to compete, we shifted our focus to the user base who still depend on cables as their bread and butter; the professionals. From the musicians, to the producers, videographers and photographers, designers and even VR meta hobbyists, quality cables were still a necessity. We created a brand tailored to this market, "professional solutions for professional users" with a mission focused on "helping you stay at your best".

Our Recipe for success




The world of cables has seen a drastic change. With every tech year, we see users moving towards a less wire dependent lifestyle, from charging their phones to connecting their peripherals, if it needs a cable then it's retro-tech. The brands that once dominated the market with "better than the cable in your box" hero products have changed their focus and product lines to keep up and have almost left cables in the dust. What about the group of professional users who still rely on cables for everyday work? The idea of wirelessly transmitting 500GB of 4K raw footage from your camera to a computer would make a content creator recoil. We found each professional industry faced its own set of challenges, and they all had a set of professional-grade brands offering expensive cables exclusive to them. But this wasn't accessible to everyone.

Connecting Experiences

Regardless of the industry, what all our users had in common was their deep appreciation for their work. We wanted to create a brand that cared as much about the details as they did. We created a vision from this; Essential innovation, made accessible.



Logo and Meaning

The logo concept starts from the idea of wanting to embody the core product of CableCreation into the logo. The symbol takes inspiration from the shapes that cables have when they are tangled, with smoothing and geometric angles applied. The two lines act as a side profile of cables, while the dot acts as a front view. The three elements together represent the 3 main product categories CableCreation set its focus on: Audio, Gaming and Professional markets. All together, we create an image that is unmistakenly professional, in line with our strategy.

Colors and More

A bold orange/red allows us to move closer to our intended target, without straying too far to the existing branding current users were familiar with. To reach our audience, we need to do more than just present ourselves professionally. This group of individuals tend to be more demanding and quality-focused, our approach is to connect with their creative side, by use of patterns inspired by the silhouette of cables, bold designs and imagery intended to connect with their individual professions. In doing so, we show our support to the people and their craft, we stay true to our mission, and we stand out.



Application and Execution

First impressions are important. Second impressions set a precedent. We wanted this brand to be recognised by its packaging and other material from first glance, but we also wanted it to hold a certain level of stature. No matter what style or size material sits on your table, it should be unmistakenly reputable.

Key Takeaways

It's not every day we get to work on a brand where we are also the intended audience, which made this project even more important for us to get right. What this project showed us above all, is that expanding your frame of reference and having a strong strategy in place is more important than any design we create. When your market is saturated, create a new one.

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